Friday, October 24, 2008

Chattering or Silence? How did your students respond to discussing the news?

When my journalism students are working in groups, I love to listen in. Most of the time, it's music to my ears because they're having lively discussions about the topic at hand. What was your experience in your classes this week? Did your students really get into discussing the news or were they bored? What story did they decide should be the lead story if they were editor? Why? Was everyone in agreement or were there debates about which story deserved to be the lead? What recommendations do you have for next week's discussion? Let us hear from you!

Paula Poindexter
UT School of Journalism

1 comment:

Jessica said...

For the most part, discussions my students had were teacher-led last week. Once I pointed them to a specific topic or article, students were more willing to discuss the issues. They were very hesitant to try to explain to the group what they had been reading on their own. I think they might be nervous that they are choosing the "wrong" stories. They have similar hesitations in expressing their academic opinions as a general rule (though they have no trouble expressing opinions regarding their displeasure with school-related activities!). I'll keep encouraging them and see what happens this week.
--Jessica Mitchell
Special Education English and Reading
Austin High School